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To maintain proper hygiene and save yourself many problems, you should brush your teeth and gums at least twice a day, with proper technique and duration. The toothbrush must be in good condition to guarantee a good function.

When used correctly, the toothbrush should be changed every 2 or 3 months.

To complete your daily hygiene, it is very important to use interdental floss since it is impossible to reach correctly with the toothbrush, which will only be able to access the free sides.

Think that many times, at interdental level is where we find more developed caries and that have gone perfectly unnoticed since they have not done any damage and have not broken the enamel because they have started to be made from the inside from a point that is not visible.

You should use a brush with medium-hard filaments and rounded tips that is not worn out. A brush in poor condition, in addition to not cleaning properly, can damage your mouth. It is not necessary to use a large amount of toothpaste. Make short, gentle but insistent vertical strokes, especially on hard-to-reach back teeth. Clean the outer surfaces of the upper teeth and then the lower teeth, then repeat the process with the inner surfaces. Finally, clean the chewing areas. It is also a good idea to brush the tongue for fresher breath. If you have any doubts, consult your dentist.

During pregnancy it is advisable not to perform any treatment (except for cleanings) to avoid possible problems in the fetus. It is advisable to make a previous visit to the dentist before pregnancy, to face it with a healthy mouth, and maintain proper dental hygiene. Prevention is essential during pregnancy. Caries and gingivitis are the most common problems that can occur during pregnancy. Keep in mind that if you have always had a healthy mouth, it is much less likely that these diseases will develop during pregnancy. If you think you are pregnant, tell your dentist.

In general, most of our patients come twice a year for maintenance visits. During these visits, a complete prophylaxis is performed and the patient’s medical history is updated to look for possible recurrences or caries.

However, depending on the characteristics of each patient, such as suffering from some type of general disease, being a smoker or having a high genetic susceptibility, this period of time could be reduced to a maximum of 4 visits per year, that is, every 3 months.

Caries is a disease that does not go away by itself, so it will continue destroying dental tissue until it reaches the dental nerve. The final consequence is the loss of the crown. At this moment it will be assessed if it is possible to restore the crown and if it is not possible then the tooth or its root will be extracted.

Of course they do. Children are very susceptible to cavities due to a diet high in sugars or aerosol type medication. It is essential to cure cavities in baby teeth because they hold the site where adult teeth will erupt.

In the process of caries progression, when it approaches or reaches the nerve, inflammation of the nerve is produced. The pain radiates to any area of the mouth, lasts several minutes and we need to take an analgesic to relieve the pain. But undoubtedly the best course of action is to go to the dentist to perform endodontics in which the nerve is removed and the whole process is remitted.

The color of a tooth depends on multiple factors, although it is the dentin that defines it more specifically. The passage of time and wear cause wear of the enamel, which makes the dentin more visible. Over time, dentin also darkens due to the aging of the tissue itself. In addition, color changes can be produced by: metabolic disorders; the administration of medication during pregnancy or to the newborn; the consumption of tobacco, coffee or tea; defective dental hygiene…

Smokers’ teeth become stained due to the action of tobacco, as tar and nicotine dissolve in saliva and become fixed on the tooth surface. Tobacco reduces the vascularization of the gums causing gum and bone loss, which makes the smoker more prone to the appearance of tartar and gingivitis, since it also alters and acts on the microbial flora of the mouth. In addition, smoke damages the oral mucosa, which can degenerate into carcinomas. Its consumption is related to the appearance of halitosis (bad breath).

Gingival recession has several causes. Many times it is a consequence of aggressive brushing and it will be enough to improve the technique to prevent the gum from continuing to recede. Other times, we find this type of problem in patients who wear or have worn orthodontics.

However, the most common cause of gingival recession is periodontal disease that causes bone destruction which in turn leads to gum movement. In this case, the absence of treatment will lead to tooth loss.

As is usually the case, treatment depends on the cause. Thus, if the tooth is well positioned in the mouth and there has been no bone loss, it is very possible that all the lost gum can be recovered. However, when there has already been bone loss, then it will be very difficult or impossible to recover the original situation, so we recommend extraction and replacement with an implant.

The fixed bridge is a prosthetic solution used to replace a missing piece and consists of grinding the pieces adjacent to the missing piece to achieve sufficient space and place a cemented porcelain metal structure on these stumps.

The implant is a titanium screw inserted in the bone of the missing piece and after connecting an abutment and a crown, it avoids having to carve the adjacent pieces.

A dental implant is a titanium structure, similar to a screw, whose purpose is to replace a missing tooth and serve as a support for a prosthesis. It has a high long-term success rate and is a very good alternative to other dental rehabilitation treatments.

Nowadays anesthetics are incredibly effective. Contrary to what patients who have never had an implant placed think, it is a less violent intervention than a simple extraction of a tooth. We simply anesthetize and make an incision in the gum, and after following a drilling sequence, the implant is inserted in a few minutes and stitches are placed.

Dental implants are manufactured with titanium for medical use under strict regulations. Titanium is a biocompatible metal, i.e. it is an inert material that the body accepts without altering it. In fact, titanium is a trace element present in our body due to the intake of foods containing it. According to several studies, the percentage of people who may develop an allergy to titanium in dental implants is around 0.5%. If the patient is prone to have an allergy to metals, a specific test, called MELISA, is performed, which can help to clarify the doubts.

In terms of treatment effectiveness there is no difference between the two brackets, the difference is simply in the material from which they are made. Ceramic or esthetic brackets provide greater esthetics for the patient during orthodontic treatment, but they do not improve the results of metal or conventional brackets.

There is no age limit, as long as the state of dental and gingival health allows us to perform the treatment. To perform orthodontic treatment, periodontal health must be excellent, therefore, often before starting orthodontic treatment it is necessary to perform a previous periodontal treatment. On the other hand, the patient cannot present any caries lesions, therefore, these must also be treated beforehand.

Es el hábito de apretar y/o rechinar los dientes con fuerza sin ser conscientes de ello, tanto por el día como por la noche, y puede agravarse por situaciones de estrés o nerviosismo. El bruxismo provoca dolores de cabeza, oídos y mandíbula y un gran desgaste de las piezas dentales. Es posible aliviar los efectos del bruxismo mediante la colocación de una férula de descarga, que debe estar perfectamente adaptada y revisada.

Orthodontics is the specialty of dentistry that aims to align the teeth and obtain a proper intermaxillary relationship, so that the upper teeth close properly with the lower teeth. All this translates into an aesthetic and functional improvement, allowing a correct masticatory function that avoids the appearance of future problems. Such as caries, periodontal problems, loss of dental pieces, etc.

It is a set of transparent splints to align your teeth.
It is a fully customized treatment that is performed from a study of 3D images of the patient in which you can see the whole process: from the initial position of the teeth to the final result, an experience that you could not have with traditional braces.

Advantages of treatment with clear aligners
–   Straighten your teeth in half the time.
–   Comfortable and removable.
–   Fewer visits to the dentist.
–   Improve your dental health and well-being.

Let’s Confirm My Dentist Appointment

In order to confirm your appointment, we kindly request a $44 Booking Deposit that will cover your consultation fee on your appointment day . You can do this payment over the phone with our lovely receptionist. If you’re not comfortable providing your card details over the phone, we completely understand. You could easily here:

In instances where you need to reschedule or cancel your appointment, please call the surgery phone on 07 3924 5225 and leave a message if we did not answer. Keep in mind the cancellation/reschedule policy. (At least 1 business day notice is required if you need to cancel or change your appointment. The $44 deposit goes towards your consultation fee on the day of your appointment. Failure to reschedule your appointment at least 24 hours in advance will result in loss of booking fee. No exceptions.This is because we are unable to offer that time slot to other patients on short notice. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter. Please note, if you cancel last minute on more than 2 occasions you will be asked to pay a $100 booking fee that will go towards your treatment).

One business day means one day except any Saturday, any Sunday, or any day which is a legal holiday or any day on which banking institutions are required by law or other governmental action to close.

Thank you for choosing us for your dental care and needs. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to let us know.